Canandaigua Driving School
Auto Services
Office Hours M-F 8-5pm / Lessons available 7 days a week!!!
Driving Directions:
From 332 N / Right on Collett Rd (last light before Thru-way 90) we are on left. - From NYS thruway exit 44 after toll make left at first light on Collett Rd we are on left. 6070 W Collett Rd Bldg #2
About Us
Whether you are just starting out as a teenage permit holder or you are looking to advance in a new Tractor Trailer driving career Canandaigua Driving School can get you off to a safe start!! We offer the 5 HR Pre-licensing class (needed to sign up for a road test) every Saturday. Students must call to pre-register. We offer the 6 HR point and insurance reduction course. We have NYS certified instructors offering (one on one) driving lessons for all levels of drivers. Be safe and confident today